Paul Crowley

#LifeInLockdown challenge

Share your photo to capture these unusual times

Whilst we are living through unique circumstances, share a photograph of yours that reflects your take on #LifeInLockdown.

Last month, young people rose to our challenge by capturing images of Spring 2020 to create a photo gallery – My Favourite Thing. Now we are inviting everyone to create a personal image that will contribute to a visual document of this moment.

Be inspired by any connotations that the phrase “Life In Lockdown” embodies, perhaps reflecting the positive alongside the negative. Your unique point of view is more important than your photographic expertise – all contributions are welcomed!

We will celebrate your creative responses by creating a Facebook film and online gallery to represent #LifeInLockdown. We’re delighted to have Paul Crowley of 366daysofphotography on board to give his expert assistance, alongside support from East Herts District Council.

“The enemy of art is the absence of limitations”

“Constraints breed creativity”

Send us your #LifeInLockdown photo, or share on Facebook

We can’t wait to see and share your photos!

IMPORTANT: please read and agree to the conditions below before sending us an image.


Deadline for entries – Monday 11th May.

Images must be submitted by the photographer, do not send images taken by anyone else. To submit an image:

  • send an email with the subject line “LifeinLockdown Photography” and a jpeg image to
    post on Facebook to @CourtyardArtsHertford with the hashtag #LifeinLockdown
  • include your full name (to be published with the image, unless otherwise requested)

By submitting an image as above, you are agreeing for the image to be used in the context outlined, and that consent has been obtained from anyone represented within the image.

Courtyard Arts will only use your image and data for the purposes described here and to promote this activity. Images submitted will not be published by Courtyard Arts in any other context.

We will endeavour to include all suitable images in a Facebook gallery (@CourtyardArtsHertford) and will feature images on our website We reserve the right to exclude images at our discretion.