Fridays starting from 10th January (Running for 11 wks)
Maximum 7 Students
Printmaking is suitable for anyone with an interest in art and design, including beginners to printmaking. Excellent results can be achieved without formal drawing skills and students are encouraged to develop their own ideas from personal images or drawing in a sharing environment.
The class offers an introduction to the art of printmaking for those new to the specialism or an opportunity for experienced printmakers to develop their practice. Students will become familiarised with the materials and the workshop environment and introduced to the work of contemporary and historical print makers. Students will learn the fundamental relief and intaglio techniques – mono printing, dry point, lino and screen printing.
In building their portfolio of prints, students can either consolidate their knowledge of one type of process or experiment with a range of techniques including collagraph, multiple-colour lino and advanced mono prints.
The studio boasts an etching press, a relief press and a vacuum screen press.
Class dates
10.01 / 17.01 / 24.01 / 31.01 / 07.02 / 14.02 / HALF TERM / 28.02 / 07.03 / 14.03 / 21.03 / 28.03
All levels
All basic materials are included but please bring: Greaseproof paper/ baking parchment and an A3 portfolio or two pieces of card taped together to be able to transport your wet prints home. A sketchbook or notebook with some images these can be drawings or photographs. HB pencil.
If you have any of the following tools please bring them along – Lino cutting tools, scalpel or craft knife. We will provide everything else that you need. The class fee includes ink, paper, gloves and use of our lino cutting tools. There is a small charge for lino and dry point plates.
Jude O’Sullivan